It's getting close to fall — and more importantly the first game of the college football season — which means the corn mazes are coming back en vogue.
Last year, we profiled the Boise State corn maze masterpiece and Missouri's SEC welcome corn extravaganza, and now the Pac-12 is getting in on the act.
Washington State University alumni Ty and Kay Wolf Meyer created the 12-acre maze on their property of Red Barn Farms in Colton, Wash. The property contains four mazes and fives miles of paths.
We here at the Doc have sort of become corn maze aficionados after seeing so many over the years and this one, which contains the Washington State logo, a pirate skull and crossbones for coach Mike Leach, and a shout out to the "Wave The Flag" campaign the school is sponsoring, is just OK. We recognize how difficult it is to carve anything into corn — we've never tried it, but we assume it's hard — but this one doesn't have the artistic majesty that some of the other corn mazes have displayed.
Still as Ray Kinsella would tell you, plowing down your cornfield for something you believe in is a labor of love, and we acknowledge, support and salute that.
Just hope Red Barns Farms got copyright license from Washington State to profit off the school's logo.
H/T to Spokane
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