Sometimes Todd Graham just makes it too easy.
Following Thursday 63-6 win over Northern Arizona, Graham, head coach of Arizona State, gave his team a rousing speech that was chalk-full of irony.
A couple of the highlights:
"I'm challenging you guys, tonight. Be committed. I'm asking you to be committed. That means not going and doing things that are counterproductive to being a champion. If you do, then you're a fraud."
"Your teammates have made a commitment. We're not going to do the things that are counterproductive to being a championship. You guys all know what those things are. Coach Graham is capable of good and I'm capable of bad. We have to hold each other accountable."
It's actually not a bad speech if you know nothing about Todd Graham's coaching background. The speech itself is positive and encouraging. However, I think Rice and Pitt would agree that Graham isn't exactly the best person to be giving lectures on commitment and how not to be a fraud.
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