Rich Rodriguez is doing some good things at Arizona, putting the Michigan debacle behind him with a 3-0 start that includes a win over Oklahoma State, but enough of trivial matters.
What has Rodriguez done to turn around Arizona's pathetic Popsicle situation?
Rodriguez told USA Today Sports all about it. Apparently when Rodriguez took the job he found that Arizona's Popsicle game was weak. Perhaps the Wildcat players were getting some old Fla-Vor-Ice treats or something. Maybe Rich Rod was fed up just seeing nothing but the perplexing windshield wiper fluid-looking blue flavor left in the freezer.
Ah, but the dessert has changed in the desert, according to the story:
"I don't want to give out average Popsicles," Rodriguez says. "We give out them bomb Popsicles. You know, the ones as a kid you love to have?"
Oh, we certainly do, coach. The rockets -- the red, white and blue Popsicle treats -- are now being handed out after practice. We're partial to the Choco Taco and would pay to see Arizona's players chowing down on Dora the Explorer Popsicles, but the rockets are an upgrade around the Arizona facilities. And Rich Rod is fired up about it:
"These things are the mac daddy of Popsicles," Rodriguez continued to USA Today Sports. "We're giving out BCS-level, playoff-bound rocket Popsicles. And if they come out with a better one, we're going to get a better Popsicle.
"But the rockets are pretty good."
H/T to USA Today Sports
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