Mike Leach has a new idea for a zombie movie: the Washington State 2012 season highlight video.
To be fair, Leach didn't say his entire team, which is off to a 2-4 start, was full of zombies. Just some of the seniors.
In a transcript from Leach's press conference that was published by The Spokesman-Review, the Washington State coach had some rather unkind things to say about some of his seniors and their leadership:
"I think it's mixed," Leach said. "I think some it's stellar. I think Gino (Simone, senior receiver), Gino's a guy elected team captain this week. Came from not playing hardly at all to elected team captain. A lot of it is just he's kind of accelerated his focus and effort. Some of them have been great and some of them have been very poor. Some of them have had kind of this zombie-like, go through the motions, everything is like how it's always been, that's how it'll always be. Some of them quite honestly have an empty corpse quality. That's not pleasant to say or pleasant to think about, but that's a fact. That's why it's been necessary for us to have the youth moment that we've had."
That's not a glowing review. But Leach wasn't done. He was then asked about playing younger players:
"We've got a higher effort level. Simple as that. Playing a bunch of freshmen, true freshmen, we've got a higher effort level out of them. If you're a senior you need to ask yourself, why is that the case? How can that possibly be?"
Should be an interesting rest of the season for Leach and the seniors. If nothing else, the postseason banquet should be nice and awkward.
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