This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss.
If you: A) had an internet connection in 2007, and B) cared at all about things like who Tim Tebow was dating, you knew exactly from that title above who and what we were talking about.
The photo of Tebow and a brunette woman made its way onto many computer screens in 2007 and beyond. Everyone seemed to make the inference this was the Florida quarterback's girlfriend. In hindsight, the reaction to that picture predicted two things: Tebowmania, and Webbmania as well.
Before that picture went viral, there weren't many instances of fans trying to figure out who college football stars were dating based on some random photo taken with the player and a woman. These days, if you're a SEC quarterback and dating a pretty woman, just expect a photograph to show up on Instagram and make your dating life public. And it doesn't even need to be your girlfriend for the rumors to start.
The Florida student in the famous photo with Tebow is Erin Drewes. It didn't take long for the world to figure that out. And Drewes swore she and Tebow weren't dating, but she happened to be talking to him at a party when someone took the picture we all remember. It's a good bet that there are thousands of photos like this that include Tebow. Many people on the Florida campus in 2007 (or 2008 or 2009, or in Denver in 2010 or 2011 ... New York in 2012 maybe not so much) wanted a memento like that.
Well, Drewes took advantage of her moment in the sun. She took some pictures for Playboy wearing a body paint Tebow jersey. We won't link to that here, but it's pretty easy to find on the internet. In fact, it's not hard to find many pictures of Drewes on the internet. Pretty incredible considering her fame grew from a random picture at a party that made its way online and incorrectly identified her as Tebow's girlfriend. Katherine Webb is actually dating Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron and has marketed herself differently than Drewes, but one can obviously see some parallels in the stories.
As for Tebow, the fact that the photo at the top of the post from six years ago is remembered by most people who have read this far was a sign of things to come. We've been inundated with every detail of Tebow's life ever since. Once you're done searching Drewes on Yahoo!, go ahead and search "Tim Tebow girlfriend." You won't lack reading material if you do.
And as for Drewes, a Facebook page that appears to belong to her indicates she is studying to be a nurse. She didn't respond to a message asking if she wanted to discuss her star turn. Perhaps she is surprised anyone in 2013 still remembers that hullabaloo with the picture of her and Tebow. She shouldn't be, if that's the case. Many years from now, we'll probably still recall it.
Previously on the Doc Five ...
No. 5: Sarah Savage
No. 4: Olivia Manning
No. 3: Lennay Kekua
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