Remember when Johnny Manziel threw out the first pitch at the Rangers game, and said he was super nervous? That people kept telling him, whatever you do don't bounce it up to the plate?
Well, this is why. Denard Robinson, a four-year college quarterback for Michigan, couldn't get it to the plate on the fly when he threw out the first pitch at Tuesday's Tigers game. He one-hopped the pitch to the catcher, looking as un-athletic as anyone who is an elite athlete can possibly look on a field.
Yes, we can hear your jokes about Robinson's passing ability now. True, there's a reason Robinson is making a conversion to receiver in the NFL. But still, come on, Denard.
Other bad first-pitchers like Carl Lewis, Mariah Carey and Cincinnati mayor Mark Mallory had the excuse of not throwing a ball throughout college (although, Lewis is an elite athlete too and should be able to throw a baseball 60 feet). Even though passing wasn't really Robinson's thing, he did throw for 6,250 yards and 49 touchdowns at Michigan. We swear at least some of those throws went more than 60 feet and 6 inches. Heck, as the Big Lead points out, even gymnast McKayla Maroney got her first pitch to home plate from the pitching rubber on the fly. No Denard, nobody is impressed with your pitch.
Everyone who talked to Manziel was right. Make sure your pitch makes it to home plate on a fly. Or else, nobody will let you forget it, especially if you're a college quarterback.
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H/T to Eye on College football for the GIF.
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