As political role models go, Rick Perry isn't exactly sitting tall in the saddle at the moment — even in his home state, Texas, where Perry's persistent gaffes on the presidential campaign trail have forced some natives to go on the defensive on behalf of the state that somehow elected Perry to three successive terms as governor. But then, it's all a matter of perspective.
Take Craig James, for example. From where the former SMU great turned ESPN talking head turned aspiring politician is sitting in his fledgling senatorial bid, Perry's single-digit approval ratings must be looking pretty good right now:
Yes, that's the first official ad of the Pony's campaign for a vacant U.S. Senate seat from the Lone Star State, posted Tuesday on his official campaign website Surprisingly, it doesn't feature any cows, although it does include a barn bearing a giant American flag and a shot of James standing in front of hay bales while wearing a cowboy hat, lookin' very Texas. As they say in his home state, it's quite literally "all hat and no cattle."
James has also been popping up on a few national media outlets lately to repeat some of the slogans peppering his new Twitter page, touting himself as "a leader from 'Real Street'" who recognizes that "Washington is off its rails." My favorite? A short summary of James' qualifications for higher office:
What qualifies me? I'll stand against evil in Washington. I'll fight for what is right for America. #txsen
In summary: Evil bad. America good. So if you're a Conservative Texan who's been waiting for a run-of-the-mill train conductor to patrol the Lincoln Memorial at nights in a hood and cape (and cowboy hat) in the name of justice, finally, there's a candidate for you.
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Matt Hinton is on Facebook and Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.