This next story kind of puts into perspective the relatively innocuous joke of "Roll Toilet" from a recruit earlier this week.
Kc McDermott is a five-star recruit on the offensive line who has committed to the University of Miami. And congratulations to him for that. That's a pretty big moment.
What is harder to understand is why he felt a need to make fun of Ohio State coach Urban Meyer in an interview with Bleacher Report as he recalls how he turned Meyer down.
Remember as you read these two answers from the story that the biggest crime Meyer committed against McDermott was offering the young man a scholarship to come play for and get an education at one of the best universities in the United States:
BR: What's the Urban Meyer story?
KM: The Urban Meyer thing was just funny to me. He came to my school a week after I told his assistant that I wasn't even interested in them. I told him no to his face, and it's got to be one of the top five reactions of someone ever. His facial expression was just so funny. My coach was tearing up and had to go in his office to laugh.
BR: Talk more about coach Meyer's face when you told him no. Was he mad, upset?
KM: More like the state of shock where the guy has literally never been told no in his life. It literally looked like a kid the first time you tell him 'no, you can't do something.' It looked like he was a baby about to cry. It was so funny.
Hey, we were young once too (a long time ago) and we did things we regret. Hopefully if McDermott is again lucky enough to turn down someone who is among the most respected people in their field, he'll realize the best way to handle the situation isn't to publicly make fun of them afterward.
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