Florida linebacker Antonio Morrison has some legal problems to deal with, but at least along the way he provided one of the funnier lines of the year.
Morrison got to the Kava Lounge and apparently did not want to pay a cover charge. Then, according to the Associated Press, like a misplaced signature line from a movie superhero, he identified himself.
"Do you know who I am? I am a UF football player. I am Antonio!" Morrison said, according to the AP.
"I am Antonio!" did not get Morrison out of the cover charge, though it should have. That's gold.
We imagine it went down something like this:
Upon being told he was still going to have to pay full price, Morrison reportedly punched the bouncer in the head, because that's the normal reaction.
He was charged with simple battery and arrested at his dormitory, the AP said.
Who is this masked man trying to avoid cover charges with a single bound? He played all 13 games as a freshman for Florida last year, had 34 tackles and started three games. Maybe that gives someone the "Do you know who I am?" status in Florida, but it seems unlikely. And, apparently the bouncer and a witness did not know who "Antonio!" was, considering the AP report said they identified him by looking him up on the school's website.
Morrison was expected to start the season on Florida's defense. We will certainly remember his name.
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