Twitter CEO Dick Costolo is a huge Michigan fan. He also happens to oversee a social network that's fundamentally reworking the ways that the NCAA oversees actions and behaviors of both its players and its boosters. So you can appreciate the irony in the fact that Costolo recently committed an NCAA violation of his very own:
@WiltonSpeight @GeorgeCampbell0 amazing! #goblue
— dick costolo (@dickc) July 29, 2013
WOW. That is awful. You did see the violation, right? Here, we'll play it again for you:
@WiltonSpeight @GeorgeCampbell0 amazing! #goblue
— dick costolo (@dickc) July 29, 2013
You HAD to see it there. We know you did. But just in case you missed it, here's the story: George Campbell is a Florida high schooler who's committed to Michigan for the 2015 season. Yes, 2015. Campbell is a rising junior wide receiver. Michigan gets its house in order early these days. Wilton Speight is a quarterback in the 2014 class. And while it's perfectly fine for future teammates to chat with one another, having a booster make any show of support — verbal or written — is forbidden until the player formally signs his letter of intent.
Granted, it's not as severe a violation as, oh, paying players (heaven forbid). As such, Michigan likely isn't looking at losing scholarships or banners; this'll be a slap on the wrist at worst. But the rule is clear: boosters, do not talk to the players in public. Save those discussions for behind closed doors.
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