Above is a photo (via Reddit) from Utah's beautiful new Spence and Cleone Eccles Football Center. It's an impressive structure, costing $32 million and including all kinds of fun amenities like a barber shop, hydrotherapy center and movie theater-style meeting rooms for every position group. The Utes are looking to catch up to the top programs the Pac-12, and are looking to do it in grand fashion.
But then there's the sign, which is...it's not bad. It's just odd. "No drugs." Well, I'd hope not. "Honesty." A good goal, yes. "Treat women with respect." Um, isn't that kind of obvious? "No stealing." Literally a crime, you should not do that. "No DUI's." Yeah, those are terrible. Is a "Core Value" of the Utah football team really "No DUI's"? Isn't that just something you kind of, I don't know, expect?
It brings to mind the Chris Rock bit: "I've never been to jail." "What do you want, a cookie? You're not supposed to go to jail." Pro tip: Don't drink and drive, steal or disrespect women, either.
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H/T Busted Coverage
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