It's almost time for college football. Know how we know? This:
My students are learning about the #sec #gameday @ClayTravisBGID @SECfootball @sixpackspeak
— Jennifer Spradling (@runnergyrl34) August 29, 2013
Yep, this looks about right: an elementary school class in Starkville, Mississippi is learning about the SEC. Priorities, you know.
This is courtesy of a Ms. Spradling, who has her kids learning the right way, by matching up SEC logos to the schools' names. Hopefully, this particular child isn't making his selection for a conference champ; not even Auburn is picking Auburn to win this year.
Way to raise the SEC fans of tomorrow, Ms. Spradling. Job well done. (Also, no SEC cheap shots from you Pac-12 and Big Ten types. You know you'd trade your school's academic honor for an SEC-esque championship run in a heartbeat.)
[Via Clay Travis]