In the latest installment of Sports Illustrated's five-part piece on Oklahoma State, the Orange Pride hostess program comes under scrutiny, as the magazine says that "a small number" of members of the program had sexual relations with recruits during on-campus visits from 2000-2011.
"There's no other way a female can convince you to come play football at a school besides [sex]," Artrell Woods told Sports Illustrated in the piece.
[Related: SI article details alleged widespread drug use at Oklahoma State]
According to Friday's installment, the coaching staff at Oklahoma State played a key role in the selection process of Orange Pride members, who were required to also work two hours a week in the football office, purchase "as many as six outfits" as well as pay for whatever treats they left in players' lockers in addition to their duties as recruiting hostesses. On recruiting trips, Orange Pride members met with recruits when they arrived on campus, led campus tours and answered questions. And per the story, some had sex with the recruits.
None of the people interviewed for Sports Illustrated's article, including 14 former Orange Pride members, said that the coaching staff at Oklahoma State had instructed members of the group to have sex with recruits, though a former staff member quoted anonymously in the article said that some coaches, including Les Miles, who was the head coach at the time, was aware that it was happening.
[Report: Documents contradict Oklahoma State players' statements]
Miles said in an email to Sports Illustrated that he wasn't aware of that happening and current Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy declined comment.
Previous installments of the Oklahoma State series have included drug use, payments from boosters to players and academic improprieties.
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