While many college football fans are enjoying this week’s slate of games, Auburn and Alabama fans are staking out their tailgating claim for next week’s Iron Bowl.
[Photos: Week 13 college football fanatics]
According to tweets from the Auburn athletic department, a fleet of RVs arrived on campus Saturday morning and started jockeying for prime tailgating position.
Several hundred RVs already in place at the hayfields ready for the big game! #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/7fUI33F6lw
— Auburn Football (@FootballAU) November 23, 2013
RVs this am waiting to get into hayfields for NEXT weekend's @FootballAU game. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/vhfyFUuCbU — Kirk Sampson (@AuburnSID) November 23, 2013
Tell you what, nothing screams Thanksgiving like scarfing turkey and stuffing in an RV in the middle of a hayfield.
It was easy for a lot of folks to find parking since Auburn has a bye this week.
You gotta admire the dedication of these fans. This is by far the biggest Iron Bowl in recent history and these fans are making sure they don’t miss the party beforehand.
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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at dr.saturday@ymail.com or follow her on Twitter!Follow @YahooDrSaturday