The Iron Bowl is more than just a football game in Alabama: It's a way of life. Just ask one hospital that asks new parents to declare their child's team preference right out of the womb.
The hospital issues parents a questionnaire asking whether their child would like an Alabama blanket or an Auburn blanket? There's also a choice for "Undecided" — you know, if the newborn isn't ready to make such a weighty choice yet — and "Other" for all those Alabama State fans. (Hey, the Hornets are 8-3.)
I wonder if they put all of the Alabama babies or one side of the hospital and the Auburn babies on the other? Or perhaps, at halftime, they have a Baby Iron Bowl where the parents wheel their children in those plastic portacribs in a makeshift football game in the hallway. Whatever the form, it's always nice to see young parents who make it a priority to instill values.
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Curtsy (female version of the hat tip) to Busted Coverage and Brian App
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