What's really important to a college football athlete when choosing the right school? Location, academics, the ability to start early?
How about a school's proximity to Chick-fil-A?
That's apparently what swayed Birmingham, Ala., linebacker Cassanova McKinzy from Clemson to Auburn. When McKinzy visited the Clemson campus, there was no Chick-fil-A in sight, and that just wasn't acceptable.
"[It was] kind of the environment and plus they had no Chick-fil-A on campus," McKinzy said when asked why he didn't choose Clemson (scroll ahead to the 1:30 mark in the video). "You had to go like, probably like 15 minutes off campus to go to like a real restaurant. Their café was kind of small."
Never mind that there is a Chick-fil-A on Clemson's campus. Clearly this crucial fact was not highlighted on McKinzy's visit. And if you've ever been to a Chick-fil-A, you can sympathize with McKinzy. There's no better way to start a morning than with a spicy chicken biscuit and no better way to settle into an evening of studying than with some waffle fries.
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I had never tasted Chick-fil-A before attending college and I can honestly say it was one of the reasons why I stayed.
Of course, McKinzy goes on to say something about the Clemson facilities being too far away from the classes and dorms, but we know the perceived absence of Chick-fil-A was the real reason for him choosing Auburn.
Perhaps whoever McKinzy's hosts were at Clemson took him to the wrong part of campus.
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Curtsy to Kegs 'N Eggs and SB Nation.
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