Taylor Martinez’s affinity for creating iPhone apps has been well documented and on Tuesday, the former Nebraska quarterback began promoting his newest game, “Tiny Ninja Jump.”
Play me in Tiny Ninja Jump #ToTheTreesWeGo Best new app game of 2014. Download the app here tinyninjajump http://t.co/ctcyqZApFd
— Taylor Martinez (@TMAG1C) January 29, 2014
The game, which was created by TTM3, Inc., is fairly simple. The user tries to get a ball, dressed like ninja, down a hill as fast as he or she can while performing tricks and collecting points.
It’s actually pretty fun.
However, the best part of the game might be the promo video on YouTube.
This is the second game Martinez has created. His first was called Follow The Pattern, which was a lot like the 1980s game Simon. That game, however, is no longer available in the App Store.
It’s good that Martinez is finding ways to stay busy while he trains for a potential future with an NFL team. Who knows how that will work out, but at least he’ll have something to fall back on.
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Graham Watson is the editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email her at dr.saturday@ymail.com or follow her on Twitter!Follow @YahooDrSaturday