Much like college football itself, Dr. Saturday is in transition. For the past three and a half years, Matt Hinton has helped Yahoo! Sports' college football blog become the go-to place for college football news, quirks and snark. And while the qualities that have made Dr. Saturday unique and engaging aren't changing, the editors are.
I'm Graham Watson. I've been here nine months and learned a lot from Matt and several of the other bloggers on Yahoo! Sports. My time at here has made me realize one undeniable fact: college football is fun. So, the writing should be fun, the writers should be fun and you, the reader, should come away feeling rewarded for investing your time. I can't promise you'll always feel that way. There will be times when you're annoyed, angry or dismayed; hey, that's part of being a college football fan. But for the most part, Dr. Saturday should improve your day and help you learn something along the way (no, I did not intend for that to rhyme, but I'm pretty happy it did).
I'm not trying to replace the content that has been on Dr. Saturday in the past. That's not my game and I'm not going to pretend it is. But I can tell you there will be more original stories and reporting in addition to the quirk, snark, random videos, analysis and other morsels. Don't worry, I'm still going to scour the Internet and bring you the best stories about national championship mermen, players on hunger strikes and mom's who can't get on board with their sons' college decisions, but it's time Dr. Saturday turned on its recorder, opened its notebook and started seeking stories of its own.
Change is hard. But if you've been following us for the past year, you've already been reading my stuff so it's not really change at all. Just a fresh new take on an already great product.
College football is trying its best to adapt to the changes in its sport, Dr. Saturday is just following suit. So I invite you to stick around, take in the new car smell and enjoy Dr. Saturday as it rolls through the offseason and prepares for another great year of college football.
And don't forget to keep up with us on Twitter (@YahooDrSaturday)and "Like" Dr. Saturday on Facebook, because I'm always posting stuff over there that you can't see on the blog. It's all about synergy, people.
All right. Let's do this thing.