Could a new TCU helmet be on the horizon?
Receiver Josh Boyce teased his Twitter fans with a sneak peak of a new purple TCU helmet design that could be unveiled as part of the Horned Frogs' transition to the Big 12.
However, Boyce, who keeps his Twitter account locked for privacy, said he wasn't exactly sure whether these would ever see the field.
"Jus saw the new helmets online???" he tweeted.
In the past couple years, TCU (and Nike) has been hit and miss with the Horned Frogs' uniforms. The 2009 Nike Pro Combat gear was pretty boss (do the kids still say boss?) especially the gray helmets that gave a shout out to Horned Frog blood. Similarly, TCU 2010 bowl uniforms had an interesting pant design. Last year's uniforms, which were two-tone, drew a lot of criticism from the fashion police because they were, well, pretty ugly.
This particular helmet is classy with the traditional purple and a design that could be considered Horned Frog skin (OK, I totally made that up). It's a good start if TCU is looking to do an entire uniform change for its Big 12 debut.
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