Mike Leach might have a new head coaching job, but he's still the same unfiltered personality that people grew to love during his two seasons away from the field.
On Monday, Leach put that infamous personality on display via Reddit and took all questions and answered them in the only way Leach knows how — honestly and with a dry sense of humor.
Here's a little taste of Leach's Q&A:
How much do you hate Craig James, I mean seriously?
I think my opinion is consistent with most of the rest of America's. This is illustrated by a poll done in the Dallas Morning News where people were asked who they would vote for senator: Mike Leach or Craig James. I got 96.5 percent of the vote.
Which Big 12 team was your favorite to play? Least favorite? On a possibly related note, is Bill Snyder really a sorcerer?
"I liked playing all of them. Really enjoyed going to Kyle Field to play Texas A&M, really enjoyed playing Nebraska. Playing someone difficult is tough and can be discouraging, but if you beat them the payoff is huge!
I suspect Bill Snyder may be a sorcerer…he's one of the coaches that I admire most!"
Who is your favorite historical pirate? If you were to hoist the Jolly Roger and take to the seas, what would be the name of your ship?
"The most exciting is Black Beard. Perhaps my favorite with regards to efficiency and execution would be Barthlomew Roberts. Don't forget about Sir Francis Drake though. Henry Morgan is interesting but he betrayed his men.
I am open for suggestions in naming my ship!"
It's a long transcript — and a little difficult to follow because it's basically a series of comments under an initial post — but a fun read if you have a few minutes.
Leach talks about taking two years off from coaching and "the dubious actions of others early on had a chilling effect on my ability to get a job." He gives marriage advice, talks about being a lawyer, and describes his decision to start using the spread offense.
Overall, the back and forth between Leach and fans really epitomizes who Leach is as a person and as a coach. He's easily the most personable and accessible coach in the country. How many other coaches would spend a Monday answering uncensored questions on Reddit?
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