Ten minutes might not be enough to fully appreciate the impact 16 USC players made on the village of Sous Savanne in Haiti last week, but it's a pretty good start.
USC released a short video chronicling its nearly weeklong trip to Haiti to help build houses and work with an orphanage and school.
"The first hour of just us driving in was enough for me just to tell myself that I'm never ever going to complain about anything ever again," defensive lineman Kevin Greene says in the video.
The Doc wrote a story last week examining what such a trip would mean to these players and the university and the emotion and appreciation comes through in the video.
The trip was organized by Les Barkley, father of quarterback Matt Barkley, and backed by a disaster relief organization called Hope Force International.
"I think it sparked something in me that I'm going to continue to do the rest of my life," defensive lineman Devon Kennard says in the video.
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