Former Miami safety Ray-Ray Armstrong, who was dismissed from the program last month, is using the legal system to get back on the practice field.
Armstrong's attorney, Matt Morgan of Orlando, said he plans to file an injunction this week to allow Armstrong to practice with Miami until the NCAA determines if he broke any rules.
Armstrong and his lawyer believe he was dismissed from the program as a preemptive strike against NCAA punishment against the school.
"Miami made a unilateral decision to dismiss Ray-Ray without NCAA process," Morgan told ESPN. "We believe Miami is using Ray-Ray as a sacrificial lamb to the NCAA."
Armstrong's name has surfaced as part of an investigation into Miami and a booster providing illegal benefits to players and recruits. Also, Armstrong's outings with his girlfriend, who owns a PR firm that deals with professional athletes, have come into a question. She has paid for at least one meal and a hotel stay for the couple. Armstrong also received a sports jersey that led to questions from the Miami athletic department.
Armstrong was suspended four games for his interaction with booster and convicted Ponzi schemer Nevin Shapiro, and another game for the meal with his girlfriend, which he tweeted about. He also lied about being in a hotel on Miami Beach with the same girlfriend because he feared another suspension.
Morgan isn't the first person to call Armstrong a "sacrificial lamb." Armstrong's father, Albert Armstrong, made a similar comment to the Miami Herald following his son's dismissal in mid-July.
"If it wasn't for the NCAA being involved with UM [in] the past year, we wouldn't be talking about Ray-Ray being dismissed," Albert Armstrong told the paper.
"They need a sacrificial lamb to show, 'We're putting our foot down.'"
Armstrong's injunction comes on the heels of Miami offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson returning to practice despite rampant rumors that he had been dismissed. The two were both suspended the first week of spring football for an undisclosed violation of team rules. Armstrong was ultimately dismissed, though the university did say he would remain on scholarship to get his degree.
The university also said it would grant Armstrong a full release if he decided to transfer.
Morgan said Armstrong, a senior, never wanted to transfer and wants to finish his collegiate career with Miami.
"Why should Ray-Ray's draft status be affected?" Morgan told ESPN. "Why should he have to play at a NAIA or Division II school this year when to my knowledge the NCAA has not concluded he even violated rules?"
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