Penn State coach Bill O'Brien has stressed the one-team mantra, but on Monday, he divided that team and had them square on the paintball battlefield.
That's right. While other teams across the country are popping pads, Penn State players were popping each other with little balls of paint. It was probably a welcome stress relief from everything that's been going on around that campus in the past, oh, eight months or so.
Afterward, players tweeted about the event, how much fun it was and how it was a great team-bonding experience. And definitely way better than just going to the movies or the pool like many teams do as a camp off day.
The only bad thing about Monday's excursion — well, bad for him, funny for us - was that defensive end Anthony Zettel decided to do the final offense vs. defense round without a shirt and paid the price for it. Seriously, look at those welts. It looks like he was really shot.
Well, at least now he can claim them as war wounds for the ladies.
I wonder if the battlefield had a cardboard cutout of Mark Emmert or Jerry Sandusky?
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