America is in an economic recession, so people are cutting back and using their money for necessities — like groceries, gas and a $1,700 Alabama back tattoo.
Yep, necessities. It is college football season, after all.
Zack Smartt sent Busted Coverage a photo of his, um, unique tattoo that he created because of his undying devotion to the Crimson Tide. The ink took 10 ½ hours over three sessions.
"Roll Tide isn't a slogan, motto, or war cry… it's a way of life! ROLL TIDE FOR LIFE!!" Smartt told the site.
Now, here's the kicker — Smartt didn't even go to Alabama. Nope, he's a Middle Tennessee fan, which makes this tattoo even better.
This makes puts A.J. McCarron's tattoo to shame.
Roll Tide!
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